Today on the podcast My guest Julie Coraccio from
reawakenyourbrilliance.com. Julie is awarding winning Profesional Organizer and life coach. We talk about how clutter effects your life. There different kind of clutter.
- Mental Clutter
- Spiritual Clutter
- Relationship Clutter
I like this one quote from the interview with Julie is " Clutter is anything that prevents you from creating the life you chose and desire" That really sum it up! Also, Julie offers a mastermind for a successful school year. Help parent clears the clutter and focuses to help get their kids off to a great school year. Just getting your kids out the door and back into the school routine can be challenging. So check the mastermind for a successful school year. Next week The Messengers: A podcast Documentary will be released on 8/23. Right know it on preorder in Itunes. the last few week the podcast community has been trying to push the movie to the number one spot on the pre-order on Itunes. There is a lot of competition. The movie has done well on the Itunes preorder chart. Here where you can help. If you like podcasting and want to see how powerful this medium effect people live and change some too along the way. PLEASE PREORDER THE MOVIE and help spread the word!
Something else that might be helpful if are setting goals for the New Year. Michael Hyatt is releasing a book about goal setting. Great time of year to set plans for 2018. 

Reawaken your brilliance lifestyle-coaching masterminds Reawaken your brilliance contact Julie Coraccio Reawaken your brilliance Podcasts subscribe to the email subscribe to the podcast in iTunes subscribe to the podcast on Android nosittingonthesideline.com/contact
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