On today's podcast my interview with Joe Saul-sehy from Stacking Benjamins podcast. Where Joe, Og and Joe's mom neighbor Doug. They have a fun way of talking about personal finance. Plus the podcast is entertaining. Talking about money is not always have to be hard, but Joe and his friends make it fun. I had a conversion with Joe about how to talk kids about money and the power of play. Also, great apps and website to share about budgeting and banking. It was fun time and I learned lot from Joe. Show links: Stacking Benjamins podcast links: Some links are Affiliates links boardgamegeek.com chimebank.com famzoo.com chime bank Subscribe in stitcher Subscribe in Itunes http://www.nosittingonthesideline.com/subscribe-to-the-email-newsletter http://www.nosittingonthesideline.com/subscribe-to-the-podcast